As I said previously, when I was learning about the Bonderman Fellowship I really became fixated on finding out what a person would pack for an eight month trip around the world. The following is the inventory list of my backpack and the little daypack that straps onto my larger pack.
- 2 tank tops/undershirts
- 2 pairs REI type zip off pants/shorts/capris
- 1 knee length skirt
- 1 green scoop-neck t-shirt
- 1 polo-ish t-shirt with stripes and a collar
- 1 purple t-shirt
- 1 thermal long sleeve shirt with thumbholes in the sleeves
- 1 pair long underwear (which make good pajamas)
- 3 pairs short athletic socks
- 1 pair long wool socks (not very thick)
- 2 sports bras
- 2 non-sports bras (?)
- 2 fancy shmancy ex-officio travel underwear
- 1 less fancy plain (now tie-died... I had fun with that in Quito) cotton undwear
- 1 bathing suit (workout tank-top that doubles as shirt and bathingsuit bottoms (replaced by suit bought in Canoa after bottoms vanished))
- 4 bandanas (assorted colors and sizes...) One of which used to be my moms and is extra large. I love this one because it has thus far been a scarf, a belt, a pillow case and a shirt/bra when in dire situations.
- 1 "Buff" scarf/headband REI thinkg (Thanks Auntie Helen!)
- 1 dark green plain cotton zip-up hoody
- 1 light green thin rain coat
- 1 pair chaco sandals (and sack to hold them)
- 1 pair walking shoes (and sack to hold them) and extra shoe laces
- 1 pair thin polar tec gloves (may never use them, but it could be a bit cold on trains etc)
- 1 short-billed hat with canada pin :)
- 1 headband (which counts as a clothing item in my book so there it is)
Other stuff:
- 1 thin washcloth (cut from an old REI travel towel I had)
- 1 XL REI travel towel
- Silk Jersey Sleeping bag liner
- Blue metal camp mug
- Nalgene camelback waterbottle
- Gallon, pint and tiny size zip-lock bags
- Zip ties
- Large plastic document holder
- 7x5 (?) photo album/portfolio (for family pictures, friends, and info of people I meet)
- Sewing kit (thank you patty) that I transferred to an altoids tin. I added some clothing repair tape stuff.
- Spool of thick white thread and super-needle (leatherworking type)
- Franklin electronic spanish dictionary (Thank you Ant)
- Larousse mini spanish dictionary (Ditched this at the trotamundo hostel in Aljajela)
- Around the neck-type Passport/document holder (from SPIPA youth conference!) (I don´t really use this since I have the money belt... and I don´t really even need the money belt all that often so I am thinking about ditching this document holder)
- Money belt
- 1 combination luggage lock
- 2 small key locks
- Heavy plastic spoon/fork/knife thing from REI
- Eyemask
- Earplugs
- Small inflatable pillow
- Small white handkerchief with great Japanese designs on it from Diaso
- Bag hooks (plant hanger style s-shaped metal hooks) to hold up bags in bathroom stalls etc
- Bottle opener on key chain
- Credit card size fold up phone book (Auntie Judy gave this to me way back, thanks Judy!) (Gave this to a friend in Nicaragua)
- Lifetime supply of brown hairties
- Lifetime supply of safety pins
- Fold out travel brush/mirror
- Julbo sunglasses and thing to hold them on my head (bought these from the HUB lost and found sale for 2 bucks woo hoo)
- 2 whistles (Thanks to my mom)
- A lot of chapstick (I´ve ditched some of the chapstick along the way...)
- Cocoabutter stick for lotion etc (Thank you so much Kitty, it's perfect!)
- Assorted pencils, pens and markers (Ditched some of these in Monteverde, Costa Rica)
- small watercolors set and pad of watercolor paper
- Compass
- Couple notebooks/writing pads
- Big soft covered journal
- write-in-the-rain spiral notebook to keep important info in
- Harper Collins Pocket World Atlas
- Mini rolls of emergency toilet paper
- Sink plug for laundry
- Scotch tape and extra roll
- Little bit of ducttape (Thanks Ant)
- Rubber doorstop
- Tiny rubberbands
- Medical Kit (too much stuff to list)
- Crystal body deoderant (perfect for travel)
- Mini emery boards (thanks mom)
- Nail clippers
- tweezers
- Plastic earrings, smallest gauge I could find because 1) I am so allergic to metals 2) I don't want to wear flashy earrings 3) I don't want my ear piercings to close up. (Don´t really use these now that I have my earrings made out of coconut)
- Necklace from my parents (puffins! a necklace they each have worn a lot)
- Make-up: Small eyeshadow and mascara
- 2 travel toothbrushes (now down to one travel toothbrush, having two was just silly)
- Floss
- 2 razors
- Couple carabeaner things
- Couple large bobby-pins
- Shampoo/Cond.
- Toothpaste
- Deet insect repellent
- Bodywash/barsoap
- Compact mirror
- Hand sanitizer
- Woolite
- Spf 15 lotion
Electronics/battery powered stuff:
- Travelsmart Dual wattage International Converter Set
- Small digital Camera, charger and upload cord
- My good 'ole Ipod (one of the big fat old ones, probably will die on this trip, but on the bright side, then my pack will be lighter), charger, headphones
- small travel clock (with an alarm that does not wake me up -- oops)
- Steripen Adventurer water purification thingy
- Plain black digital watch
- Small black LED flashlight
- Smaller key ring type light
- Tiny little calculator
- 2 flashdrives
- Extra memory card for camera
- Extra batteries for everything with batteries
Gifts for people I meet along the way:
- Split cedar for making gifts
- miniature moccasins made by my great-aunt marge
- 2 wind-up toys to entertain myself and others (muchas gracias dad)
And that is it, I don't think I am leaving anything out. I actually still have some room in my bag which is good and I hope to keep it that way. I have no idea how much my bag weighs, but it reminds me of a 50's/60's book on "knapsacking" around the world that I checked out from the UW library where there is a quote that goes something to the effect of:
When asked if the heavy knapsack "weighs you down" a knapsacker said, "Maybe a little at first, but from then on I think you stand a little taller."